Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.
+ Eastern Eparchy
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel
Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA webpage
Face book: St Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church Bridgeport
It is with great joy that we, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Mary's Protection, have been blessed by our Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Eminence Metropolitain Antony, Archbishop Daniel, to change our Ecclesiastical Calendar to the New Julian (revised) Calendar.
We will begin our new Ecclesiastical Year on March 25, 2024 - The Feast of the Annunciation of the Birth-Giver of God.
Easter will be counted on the same principle as it was. The date of Easter will not depend on the calendar change and will remain in the same place as it was.
We would like to invite you to come and worship in our temple, together with one mouth and one heart to praise God! We pray that God blesses your life, and know that you are always welcomed here at St. Mary's.
Sunday Divine Liturgy begins at 9:30AM.
All services are 95% in English.
Sacrament of Repentance (confession) is avalable each Sunday beginning at 8:45AM. Confessions can be held one on one during the weekday, please contact Fr Steve for appointment.
*Please keep in mind that the Sacrament of Confession is required to be a
frequent communicant of the Eucharist*
Just a reminder, you can watch from home on Sundays, Facebook Live.
If you should need to talk with me, please do not hesitate to call me.
Fr Steve's Cell 203.232.9459
We are all in this togather. Please be safe and stay healthy, God Bless each of you, looking foward to seeing all soon.
St Mary's is live streaming on facebook.
You can watch us live on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM or any time.
Facebook live stream can be found at: St Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Bridgeport CT."
Please consider making a donation to St Mary's by clicking the Facebook link above and pressing the donation button to
Paypal . No donation is considered too small or to large. Thank You.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Ukrainian
Orthodox Church of the USA
is to offer healing, comfort,
wholeness, spiritual
fulfillment and joy as we
work together to reveal the
beauty of God’s creation by
proclaiming and living the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please see photos in Special events - 90th Anniversary or Enter here